The entire process may take several months, from initial consultation to final implant restoration, and will often involve other procedures such as a tooth extraction or bone grafting, especially if the jawbone needs to be prepared to support the implant successfully. But once completed, dental implants offer a sturdy, long-term answer to tooth loss that resembles and functions like a natural tooth.
Your Journey Towards a Perfect Smile
At Greenway Family Dental we understand the impact that missing teeth can have on your daily life and self-confidence. That's why we offer personalized, top-quality dental implant services to help you regain the function, aesthetics, and overall health of your smile.
We also understand that every individual's dental needs are unique. Whether you need a single implant, multiple implants, or are interested in the innovative All-on-4 system (which replaces an entire arch of teeth with just four implants), we'll work closely with you to design a treatment plan tailored to your specific circumstances and desires.
Bone Grafting: Preparing Your Jaw for Successful Dental Implants
One procedure often associated with dental implants is bone grafting. In simple terms, bone grafting is a process where we utilize a section of your jawbone, or use special bone material, to promote the growth of new, healthy bone where it's needed. If you've experienced jawbone loss or deterioration due to a tooth extraction, periodontal disease or injury, a bone graft may be necessary to create a solid foundation for your dental implants.
Restorative Dentistry Focused on Your Needs
We pride ourselves on delivering patient-centric restorative dentistry. You can trust us when you need procedures such as dental implants, bone grafting, implant restoration, or even if you're merely considering dentures. Everybody's dental needs are different, and we promise to treat you with the personalized care you deserve.

Implant Restoration: Giving You a Natural-Looking Smile
Apart from offering new dental implants and bone grafting, our dental practice also specializes in implant restoration. Maybe you already have dental implants, and they need some tweaking or repair. We can help! Implant restoration can bring back most of the function and appearance of your natural teeth.
Tooth Extraction: Our Painless Approach
Occasionally, the best recourse for a troublesome tooth is extraction. If this is the case, our practiced dentists will ensure the process is as painless and smooth as possible. Following extraction, we offer various solutions, from dental implants and dentures to bridge work, to replace your missing tooth and restore your perfect smile.
The Benefits of Dental Implants: Beyond Aesthetics
Have you ever noticed how a missing tooth can alter your whole appearance? Or make simple tasks like eating an apple or saying a speech stressing? You're not alone. We've seen how missing teeth can dent confidence, warp smiles and even lead to health issues. This is where dental implants come in.
Unlike dentures which pose cleaning challenges, dental implants are easy to care for. Standard oral hygiene practice applies to regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. It's this simplicity that wards off potential diseases like gum infections and tooth decay that lurk in hard-to-clean areas.
Schedule a Consultation Today!
Contact Greenway Family Dental at (623) 546-3511 today to schedule an appointment!